All Homes For Sale In Age Restricted Communities in Henderson and Las Vegas
See photos and details for all homes for sale in age restricted communities in Las Vegas and Henderson, Nevada.
Due to the low average sales price and overall amazing weather Las Vegas has become a popular retirement option for those looking to stretch their retirement dollar without giving up the lifestyle they've become accustomed to.
Affordable Low Maintenance Homes
Las Vegas offers 22 age restricted communities consisting of single family homes, condos, and manufactured homes. Single family homes start in price from the low $100's for a small single story home with approximately 1,300 sq/ft all the way up to luxury retirement homes near $1,000,000. Many of the communities feature an extensive clubhouse with a variety of different activities. Most communities offer low maintenance desert landscaped lawns. Some of the home owners associations actually include landscape maintenance for the home owner.
Popular Age Restricted Communities In Las Vegas and Henderson

Sun City Anthem - This newer age restricted community was completed in 2009 with over 7,800 homes The main community center is 75,000 sq/ft with two other small centers available. Sun City Anthem offers golf privileges on their community course however, the course is not owned by the home owners like Sun City Summerlin.
Sun City Aliante - Technically located in North Las Vegas this community should not be overlooked. Homes in this community range from approximately 1,100 sq/ft to just over 2,100 sq/ft. The 25,000 sq/ft community center offers an indoor pool, billiards, and a gym. The community is built around the Aliante Golf Course. Sun City Aliante is located just off the 215 beltway and Aliante Parkway in the northwest corner of the Las Vegas Valley.
The Jamie Cox Group
Serving the greater Las Vegas Valley, including Las Vegas, North Las Vegas, and Henderson.
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